
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crystal Energy

By: Lynn Claridge

Crystal energy can be used to increase the energies that help healing the body and mind. Unbalances in the body's energy field can be caused by the mind focusing on negative aspects. Crystal energy helps change negative energies and replaces them with positive energies.

Crystal energy affects your body by balancing your body's energy. I will not be touching here on the use of crystals healing by means of a healer; however, I will focus on the use of crystal energy and the theory behind healing crystals and gemstones.

The theory behind crystal energy is to do with the Quantum theory. The Quantum theory considers the Universe and all things that make it, as existing in an empty space with forms of energy moving within each space. Of course this includes our physical body which is a space with energy flowing infinitely through its own space. Your body's energy is used when you breath and when you show emotions and thoughts.

The healing processes of crystals and gemstones are considered a special flow of energy that change the way the destructive energy flows. This special flow of energy can be helped by the use of healing crystals and gemstones to improve and speed up the healing processes. Crystals and gemstones can be used as a tool to give the healing flow of energy an important boost in adding power to achieve cures.

Crystal energy and crystals are a tool that can enhance not just your health, but anything you undertake. Although crystals and gemstones occupy a different space than our body and mind, within the Universe there occur an interaction between your body and mind and the energy forms. This interaction is executed through shared properties resulting from the energy flow.

For example, the electromagnetic properties of a Quartz crystal share the same type of electromagnetic properties of the body, thus somehow the crystal's electromagnetic energy flows can positively interact with the same electromagnetic energy flow of the human body.

The quantum theory helps to explain the effect of crystals in our psychological and biological life. Even disregarding the Quantum theory, the use of healing crystals and gemstones has been a beneficial practice used by people throughout centuries. This practice is very beneficial for the healing processes.

Crystals and their colors correspond to chakra points in your body. These have been found to have cleansing and energizing properties that interact with the body causing them to work on problem areas. Appling the energy of the crystals and gemstones to the body enhances the cleansing and energizing effect to the body.

Below is a list of the chakras and most popular crystals used in healing.

Root Chakra: Jasper (bloodstone), garnet, onyx and rubies.
Second Chakra: Hematite and moonstone.
Third Chakra: Citrine, amber and topaz.
Fourth Chakra: Rose quartz and Chinese Fluorite.
Fifth Chakra: Aquamarine and turquoise.
Six Chakra: Sapphire, turquoise and amethyst.
Seventh Chakra: Clear quartz and amethyst.

About the Author
Lynn Claridge is a qualified Crystal Healer and has written a book "Crystal Healing for Profit or Pleasure. If you want to Learn Crystal Healing visit her site or for Spiritual Growth and Psychic Development visit

(ArticlesBase SC #597045)

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