
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Four Healthy Tea Choices: White, Essaic, Chai And Sencha Green Tea

Herbal Teas, bulk teas

By: Anne Harvester

Tea is a popular drink that is readily available around the world, and many people enjoy the dozens of different flavors that can be had.  Tea can also be drunk as an easy way to promote health, and the four tea choices of white tea, essaic tea, chai tea and sencha green tea may all offer certain health benefits.

Feng Shui Basics - Introduction To The Art Of Placement

Feng shui is the art of improving the environment that you reside or work by making a series of changes to the color, layout and decor. There are a number of people that think of feng as being very mystical and hard to comprehend. You will discover professional consultants who specialize in customized analysis of an individual and their home. However basic feng shui principles are very easy to master and can easily be applied by anyone.

Have you ever been in a room that you just didn't feel completely comfortable in? The reason is possibly the flow of 'qi' or energy in that room is blocked due to that layout. Feng shui can be used to free up that flow of energy. By doing so, the mood of the person who spends time in the room will likely change too. For example, a ton of clutter is a sign of the fact that energy isn't allowed to flow freely. How can energy flow freely when there's an accumulation of unnecessary stuff everywhere? The overall mood somebody experiences when living or working inside a cluttered space is stress and anxiety. The simple act of disposing of junk and reorganizing an area will cause an improvement in a person's mood. Try doing that on a bigger scale by utilizing basic feng shui techniques and find out on your own what great changes you can experience.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Spiritual Alchemy Sacred Geometry And The Creative Self

By: Neal Ryder

It may not be readily apparent what all three of these subjects have to do with each other, but for me, one common denominator they share is consciousness.  While this is a simple interpretation, do not allow past views of "what" these subjects represent to interfere with what I am about to suggest.  The use of the terms found within this offering, such as alchemy, geometry, and the Tree of Life, are used by me, in the same sense as I would use the term, blue jeans.  There is an image, but there are many model's.  I am offering a different, less complex, interpretation of these terms and images, in the context of consciousness; from a healer's perspective, my own.

The Mind/Body connection suggests that the cells of our body have a consciousness.  Consider that these cells must also be part of the mind-body-spirit triad and the implications expand. When sacred geometry is considered, we have the concept of shapes influencing or inspiring us, our consciousness, with Divine relationships. If we consider alchemy from the perspective of the transformation of consciousness, from limiting truths or consciousness (lead) into expanded truths or consciousness (gold), the relationships between these three subjects suggest practical transformational opportunities and applications.

The Map

Start with the image of a body, I use Michelangelo's drawing of a man, arms outstretched.  Overlay atop the body the Cabalistic Tree of Life.  The bottom sephiroth, is placed between the feet and the first paired sephiroth align with the hips.  The second paired sephiroth align with the shoulders, and the third pair of sephiroth align with the lobes of the brain.

Place the chakras over the image you now have, only use the image of the caduceus.  You can begin to see the suggestion of geometries of energy, within the body and Human Energy Field, begin to take shape.  I call them sacred because these geometries within us can inspire us to experience the Divine within.


For simplicities sake, I offer the following suggestions for seeing the Tree of Life.  There are three pillars.  The right pillar symbolizes compassion; the left pillar, innocence; with the middle pillar signifying balance.  I deviate from "traditional" interpretations, but as I mentioned earlier, I am not suggesting a traditional approach.

The relevance of the caduceus is that it suggests, to me, there are two serpents associated with kundalini.  As these serpents rise, as the kundalini rises, they move around each chakra, or Celestial Gate, and vibrate that chakra, that Celestial Gate into clarity.  The essence of that clarity is an expression of our Divine identity and will be unique with each individual.

Simplicity is the key. It is not my intention to confound a truth that is readily experiential for any willing to invest some time to experience that truth within themselves.  The experience of that truth speaks for itself.

The first step in applying what I have offered would be to contemplate the body with the Tree of Life overlaid atop it.  Draw it, think about it, get a sense of it.  The next step is one I consider important, FEEL the Tree of Life in your body.  This takes some time, so simply be patient.

One would then do the same when working with the chakras, working their way to feeling them within the body.

Simultaneously, once can use this simplistic map of consciousness, and "connect the dots".


In my healing practice I view the Heart as the Sacred Gate.  Before using any of the more intricate energetic, geometric patterns within the body, concentrate on the heart.  The heart should first be opened.  One way this is accomplished is by being in the present moment; accepting life and emotions as they are; forgiving yourself or others, as need; and offering compassion to yourself so that the heart, through forgiveness, love and compassion may deepen.  This is best understood as an experiential process.

The heart then attracts, drawing from our "heart's desire" that which we seek to experience.  It may be physical, emotional, or spiritual healing; or it may be, simultaneously, creating, from our heart, the life or work we desire and have always imagined was possible for us to experience.

This process may be empowered through the use of the sacred geometries suggested to each individual by the "map" that has been offered.

What occurs is akin to the body becoming "hollow" and the geometric shapes turning within the body and consciousness of each person.  The geometries of consciousness move according to the emotions and thoughts each person experiences throughout the day. What occurs is similar to alchemy, in that limiting truths or consciousness (lead), are transformed into expanded truths or consciousness (gold).

About the Author
Neal is a gifted intuitive healer and author who has dedicated his life and training to bringing forth the Divine Radiance of his clients - not as a concept but as a state of being - which infuses his clients with healing, wholeness and celebration.

He offers a blog, free newsletter, articles, workshops, intensives, a wide variety of programs and internet radio shows all drawn from the information contained in his book, Living a Radiant Life.
More details are available at his website.

Article Source: - Spiritual Alchemy Sacred Geometry And The Creative Self

Monday, June 21, 2010

Map of Consciousness

Dr. Hawkins is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and pioneer in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. He writes and teaches from the unique perspective of an experienced clinician, scientist, and mystic and is devoted to the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Seven Spiritual Exercises to Naturally Overcome Depression

There's no doubt that if you experience painful levels of anxiety and depression, you will be vibrationally disallowing the very things you want to create. This of course, leads to more reasons to feel depressed.

Your first decision is to decide that what you want is simply Peace of Mind!

There are simple spiritual exercises that you can do to push through the inertia of depression to begin slowly but systematically overcoming your lower level emotions and feelings of negativity, to eventually get to a place of pure, positive vibrations.

Spiritual Longing and the Path of Forgiveness

Author: Mashubi Rochell

God’s heart exists within your own heart, and as you travel along the pathways of spiritual life, your own divine nature begins to emerge and awaken. As your spiritual essence becomes more manifest, your heart begins to awaken and to seek the way Home.

A heart that longs for love, and that longs to find the way home to God, opens a pathway of light from the human, embodied self to the soul that exists eternally in the realms of spirit. This important connection creates a funnel that can transmit knowledge, love, light and comfort from the realms of spirit to your embodied self. Truly it can be said that longing is the path Home to God, for it activates all the forces of heaven and Earth to infuse you and your daily life with God’s light and love.

Spiritual longing not only activates spiritual growth and transformation, but it also activates the healing of any and all inner blockages to love that may exist within your being. Pain, resentment, anger and blame that are directed towards others eventually sap the life force from our own inner light, and so at some point on the spiritual journey, we are led to the path of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a state of being that emerges from love. Forgiveness cannot be forced, especially if you have been abused, neglected, or treated cruelly, or have suffered trauma at the hands of others. In this kind of situation, healing needs to progress in stages, first by allowing yourself to feel all the emotions that resulted from the trauma.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's Stopping You From Awakening?

By: Shirley Crichton

You've read lots of information about the process of awakening to living the life of your dreams. You've seen The Secret and understand how the law of attraction works. Perhaps you've read books, attended tele-seminars and live seminars and you've put a lot of time, money and effort into learning about manifesting and attracting whatever you want in life.

You were so excited, enthusiastic and optimistic, because this really is life transforming material. You know that this can change your life, but so far it hasn't changed the things you would like to change in any significant way. You are not yet living the life of your dreams. have become disheartened and discouraged. It's all supposed to be so easy and straightforward. Your heart yearns to awaken to live the life of your dreams.

So what's stopping you? Well, something must be or your life would have changed by now. You would be seeing the results. You would be enjoying all those things you want in life.

Consider for a moment, what awakening really means to you. What is it that you wish to awaken to? Is it a life of abundance, a life of spiritual awareness, a life filled with love, joy and happiness? That sounds so wonderful, and yet, if you wholeheartedly believed that it was wonderful, and that it was possible for you, then you would be living it by now. So what's stopping you?

Maybe you come up with lots of 'reasons', lots of excuses why you haven't yet got to where you want to be. It's so easy to slip into the 'victim' mode and blame external events and circumstances. "There's the recession." "The economic climate is a big worry" "The media is constantly bombarding me with tales of gloom and doom and all the woes of the world, so that it's difficult to stay positive".etc., etc. You are very busy and there just aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things you would like to be doing. And because you are so busy, with all your doing, you are becoming more and more exhausted and have less energy and enthusiasm for those things that filled you with such optimism and joy.

These are all wonderful ways of keeping you exactly where you are, with the wheels spinning and going nowhere. You can convince yourself that you are doing all you can to attract or create the changes you want, but this isn't so. You are doing all you can to keep yourself where you are. If you feel irritated or indignant reading this, that's good. It may prompt you to start considering and acknowledging how you are keeping yourself from awakening.

Coming To Your Own Spiritual Awakening

By: Deon Plessis

Spiritual awakening refers to soul awakening, self-development, self-transformation, leading a balanced and integrated life, leading an internally joyous life, and leading a spiritual life.

In one sense, spiritual awakening is ingrained as the by default universal purpose in the DNA of each of us. And we are already undergoing spiritual transformation - the pace and method and outward conditions differ. Becoming conscious of this silent awakening, we become open to make little practical steps in our life to expedite the process.

When we look around and see the world, we find that there is a gradual progression in the manifestation of spirit or consciousness in nature.

There are mountains, hills, stones, ground, river and other water bodies that seem to be inert or dead. We sense the functioning of spirit in them as well. Mountains and rivers have their own cycles of life.

The next advanced form comes in the form of plants and animals. There is gradual complexity from one celled plants and animals to giant ones.

We find the pinnacle of the manifestation of consciousness in human beings. Let us become humble because with this truth comes the great responsibility for manifesting the full potential of spirit in our life. Perhaps it is the true purpose of all of us; rather all of us are guided by destiny and our present actions to serve this purpose in conscious and unconscious ways.

When we experience that there is something grand, something magnificent, supernatural or some creative or governing principle in life, whatever you call him - and remember it is not about thinking, it is about experiencing - we open ourselves to the possibility of spiritual awakening on a conscious level.

Spiritual awakening is a gradual process; it is the unwritten commandment that we are unconsciously following. The only need is to become aware of it and then making little steps toward it consciously.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Magic of Crystals

The Magic of Crystals

I have been working with crystals all my life both for healing and scrying. I instinctively wear one myself, intuitively place several on a client’s birth chart - or on a client if I was seeing them face to face, or I hold one for a few moments to energise it and then send it wherever it is needed. My home always has crystals around because they feel good to me, and many are programmed to help other people, or the world. But it wasn’t until I wrote The Crystal Bible that I appreciated quite how many crystals there are, and the enormous range of possibilities they encompass. Researching Crystal Prescriptions and The Crystal Healing Pack took me back to the use of gemstones for healing in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and beyond. For my M.A. in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology I tracked the origins of the use of crystals with a horoscope over two thousand years ago. It truly is an ancient science and has led me to looking at the history of birthstones, which link my twin passions of crystals and astrology, in much greater depth.

Crystals are objects of beauty and power. They can attract a soulmate; protect you, your car and your home; energise or relax, and heal everyday ailments. Crystals cleanse and invigorate the energies in your home and workplace, and they can even change your future. I’d like to share with you some crystals that I find particularly useful, many of these are old favourites but there are one or two new ones too. Several of them can be found in The Crystal Healing Pack in which I share crystal healing techniques using twelve master healers that form an excellent ‘first aid’ kit for every level of your being.

Good vibrations

If you are surrounded by good vibrations your health and wellbeing are assured and crystals have always been revered for putting out good vibes. I wear a beautiful piece of Shattuckite and Ajoite. This stone protects against subtle ill-wishing, connects me to higher levels of being, and offsets the effects of mobile phone and Tetra masts as well as computers. If you, like me, are sensitive to mobile phone emanations, then taping a piece of Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz (which is in the Crystal Healing Pack) onto the phone works wonders as it re-integrates your auric field. Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Amethyst (also in the pack) are excellent for turning back ill-wishing or curses and are highly protective when worn in a spiral around the neck – and, traditionally, Amethyst has the added attraction of warding off inebriation. If you want to keep your energy clear at all times, a Quartz crystal can be used to ‘comb’ all around your body about a foot out. It absorbs negative energy, repairs weak spots in your biomagnetic field, and re-energies your whole body.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Crystal Energy

By: Lynn Claridge

Crystal energy can be used to increase the energies that help healing the body and mind. Unbalances in the body's energy field can be caused by the mind focusing on negative aspects. Crystal energy helps change negative energies and replaces them with positive energies.

Crystal energy affects your body by balancing your body's energy. I will not be touching here on the use of crystals healing by means of a healer; however, I will focus on the use of crystal energy and the theory behind healing crystals and gemstones.

The theory behind crystal energy is to do with the Quantum theory. The Quantum theory considers the Universe and all things that make it, as existing in an empty space with forms of energy moving within each space. Of course this includes our physical body which is a space with energy flowing infinitely through its own space. Your body's energy is used when you breath and when you show emotions and thoughts.

The healing processes of crystals and gemstones are considered a special flow of energy that change the way the destructive energy flows. This special flow of energy can be helped by the use of healing crystals and gemstones to improve and speed up the healing processes. Crystals and gemstones can be used as a tool to give the healing flow of energy an important boost in adding power to achieve cures.

Crystal energy and crystals are a tool that can enhance not just your health, but anything you undertake. Although crystals and gemstones occupy a different space than our body and mind, within the Universe there occur an interaction between your body and mind and the energy forms. This interaction is executed through shared properties resulting from the energy flow.

For example, the electromagnetic properties of a Quartz crystal share the same type of electromagnetic properties of the body, thus somehow the crystal's electromagnetic energy flows can positively interact with the same electromagnetic energy flow of the human body.

The quantum theory helps to explain the effect of crystals in our psychological and biological life. Even disregarding the Quantum theory, the use of healing crystals and gemstones has been a beneficial practice used by people throughout centuries. This practice is very beneficial for the healing processes.

Crystals and their colors correspond to chakra points in your body. These have been found to have cleansing and energizing properties that interact with the body causing them to work on problem areas. Appling the energy of the crystals and gemstones to the body enhances the cleansing and energizing effect to the body.

Below is a list of the chakras and most popular crystals used in healing.

Root Chakra: Jasper (bloodstone), garnet, onyx and rubies.
Second Chakra: Hematite and moonstone.
Third Chakra: Citrine, amber and topaz.
Fourth Chakra: Rose quartz and Chinese Fluorite.
Fifth Chakra: Aquamarine and turquoise.
Six Chakra: Sapphire, turquoise and amethyst.
Seventh Chakra: Clear quartz and amethyst.

About the Author
Lynn Claridge is a qualified Crystal Healer and has written a book "Crystal Healing for Profit or Pleasure. If you want to Learn Crystal Healing visit her site or for Spiritual Growth and Psychic Development visit

(ArticlesBase SC #597045)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Pluto in Capricorn and Indigo Children

By: Dawne Kovan
Every time I pick up an astrological journal or even an ordinary newspaper, I read doom and gloom articles that seem designed to send us even deeper into a slough of despond. The recession, the major shifts in corporate power, modern slavery - all coming as the inevitable result of Pluto entering Capricorn.

I tend to look at life somewhat differently - in that I see it as a process of developing and shifting social and technological mores and values. I also work with the Law of Attraction, which has taught me that nothing simply happens without it being attracted in some way or another. By which I mean that as we focus on our fears of recession, bankruptcy, and loss of individual power that is exactly what we are likely to experience.

The Lemuria - Machu Picchu Connection

By: Antonia M, Ph.D

Not many have heard of Lemuria (Mu, Lemu, Sundaland), though knowledge of this ancient lost continent is starting to resurface in the consciousness of humankind. Most people who are seeking knowledge of Lemuria or who are drawn to Peru may subconsciously be reconnecting to a past life memory of that place.
The short story:  Lemuria, a content once situated in the Pacific, is a big chunk of the missing link between mysterious gaps in ancient human history and some of the ancient wonders of the world. Few people are aware that scriptures, monuments and stone tablets of the ancient Maya, Inca, Tibetans, Hindu and other civilizations speak of a migration from a land  in the Pacific Ocean from which they originally came. After a period of living underground--in refuge from a great cataclysm--Lemurian migrants traveled to what we know think of as the early cradles of civilization, such as Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, Egypt, and the Indus Valley.
Unlike the citizens of Atlantis, the more mystical and spiritually enlightened Lemurians foresaw the coming cataclysm and were prepared. Gathering their wisdom, knowledge, and deep history of the true origins of Man, Lemurian record keepers began to store their information safely in the Andes mountains of Peru, as well as in natural caves and power spots there.

The Concept of Chakras

By: Dr Karen
Chakra Mantra Images: Flickr Source

Chakras are energy centers along the midline of the body. According to ancient Vedic philosophy, proper functioning of our body and mind depends on these chakras. From the mind’s eye these chakras are seen as spinning wheels or whirling masses of different colors. Our body is said to have seven primary chakras, each denoted with a different color and responsible for sets of mind and body functions. The exact location of each chakra may vary for different people; however the usual locations are within the body, in a straight line. The following is a list of the 7 chakras, their colors, locations and functions:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to Achieve Mental Clarity

By: Christopher Lloyd Clarke
Of all the resources that you rely on to navigate your life, the one you take most for granted is also the one you use on the most. It's your mind.
Most people don't think of their mind as a "resource" but if you think about for just a moment you'll realize that it's true. Your mind is your greatest asset, and it's something that you rely on for just about everything you do.
Where would you be without your intelligence, imagination and creativity? How would you survive without your memory, your intuition or your ability to reason? You rely on these mental faculties every day of your life, so where does that leave you if your mind is unclear?

Where did my clarity go?
When you are born into this world, you begin life with a mind that is pure and untouched, like a blank canvas waiting to be coloured by experiences. As time goes by, you gradually develop the mental capabilities that you require in order to live a normal life. You develop your intelligence, creativity and memory, but at the same time you also build up a great deal of mental "junk". You may find yourself bound by more and more responsibilities. You accumulate memories, good and bad. You are bombarded with information via television and radio, and you are surrounded by the noise of industry and the hustle bustle of modern life. Is it any wonder that our mental clarity suffers? Without mental clarity, it's easy to become stressed and confused, to lose touch with your purpose in life, and to become unhealthy or exhausted. Most of us really never stop to question the way we live our lives. We just accept all the noise and drama and forget about the simple joy of living in the moment, freely, as we did when we were children.

So how do you reclaim clarity? How do you reclaim the simple inner peace that you had when you were young? How do you wipe the canvas of your mind clean without losing all the powerful mental faculties that you have developed throughout your life?