
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Wayseer Manifesto

ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers, you misfits & troublemakers, all you free-spirits & pioneers... Everything the establishment has told you is wrong with you - is actually what's right with you... (WayseerNews)

The Disclosure Project Video

A large number of ex high ranking officials including air traffic controllers, ex secret op. officers, commercial pilots, numerous military defense specialists with top secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents

Lieutenants, ex commanders in the u.s airforce, astronauts,etc...

All going before the national press club to discuss what their experiences have been regarding u.f.o's and all are willing to go before congress to testify under oath.. never before has such a group come forward..

This is a must see it is long.. extremely informative and enlightening.
This video was uploaded by Source: Sankofa

Galactic Federation of Light Disclosure to the World is Imminent 2011. (since 23 May 2011) 82 Countries supports Worldwide Disclosure of our Space Family of Light. Spread the Truth, Awaken your fellow Family and Friends, Disclosure and reunion with our Space Family of Light is near! =D

2012 Marks a Year of New transition of Earth and Humanity. Earth current Quarantine will end, and the Cosmos will open up. Coming from 3rd Dimension will be entering the 5th Dimension.

Earth Solar System will meet a Inter Dimensional Portal that will fling us out of the current Photon Belt, that will take us up into the 5th Dimension, our solar system has been scheduled to meet this Inter Dimensional Portal on 21st of December, 2012. It will take our Solar System 1-2 yrs to travel through until it reaches Sirius-Star Nation. Before all this occurs the Mass Landings will take place.

A galactic society - the fulfillment of the american declaration of independence

The occupation of Wall Street in the USA and the demonstrations taking place all over Planet Earth are indications that people are awakening and demanding change.  We, the people of the world, are declaring our independence.  This time, our independence is not simply to enable us to build peaceful, prospering nations, but the foundation upon which we are to build our galactic culture and to be re-united with our galactic brothers and sisters.

Planet Earth is declaring her independence; she is preparing for membership within the Galactic Federation of Light.  No longer will Earth be a prison planet.  No longer will a few have the capacity to imprison the many via manipulation—subtle and blatant—, lies, and cover-ups.  People around the planet can now behold the beginnings of the New Way slowly emerging.

The American Declaration of Independence holds value as one source of guidance in building a galactic culture.  Let's take a look.