
Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Secret Law of Attraction - Upbeat Thoughts Attracts Your Same

By: Samantha Greenuardo

For countless, "The Secret" hasn't been a private secret for hundreds of years; it's been going by uncommon names. Every different generation feels a real need to rename it. To make it theirs, but changing the name doesn't modify the intention.

The concept of "positive thinking" was the final topic and the "Law of Attraction" is the hottest. Although the target is still the same; what you think will transpire, will come about. Your beliefs will reveal itself into your reality. The words alter, however not the true meaning.
Thinking of depressing things will cause these depressing things to can become truth. In case your life as well as brain is filled with fear, extreme dislike plus discontent, you will find yourself surrounded by those exact same things.

Thought for the Day from Dr. Randall Alifano PhD | Overcoming Negative Patterns

By: Randall Alifano

Counselor Dr. Randall Alifano PhD embraces a spiritual view of inclusion. Dr. Randall Alifano PhD believes fervently that each and every human being brings truth into the world. Dr. Randall Alifano PhD further points out that religious convictions are as varied as the individuals who have them. The world does not deliver one truth, says Dr. Randall Alifano PhD; it delivers all of them. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, "There are as many religious beliefs in the world as there are human beings. This is as it should be".

The challenge of humanity, asserts Dr. Randall Alifano PhD, is to refine its perceptions to embrace as much truth as possible. On a practical level, says Dr. Randall Alifano PhD, this means cultivating empathy, presence and good listening skills. Furthermore, Dr. Randall Alifano PhD has identified many common emotional and behavioral states that are distinct obstacles to hearing one's truth.