
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

December 21, 2012: A Dream Age Begins!

Author: Bob Finklea

A shift of awareness will begin in December of the year 2012 that will start a chain of events which will bring about a shift in consciousness that humans on Earth have not seen for thousands of years. We have been misled to believe that our society on Earth is only six or seven-thousand years old when we are in fact, hundreds of thousands of years old. At one time in ancient antiquity, we humans were so spiritually elevated, that we were in spirit form and not physical animals. We were divine and with god and our thoughts manifested into reality- instantly. One day all of that changed and our thoughts became foolish and thus our desires were to ourselves which caused us to lose our divine consciousness and become separated from god, and our awareness became so low that we also lost our spirit bodies and became flesh beings. This process of us going from spiritual bodies to flesh bodies has become known as 'the fall of man' from the Christian bible which is when our bodies frequency changed.

A world with this much greed and selfishness desperately needs the return of the gods and that is exactly what the Mayans and other ancient cultures predict will happen in their literature. This return is actually the return of a consciousness that humans have not seen in tens of thousands of years, going back to when we were humans in spirit form. 'the fall of man' is what it is now called that we lost many eons ago. In a nutshell 'the fall of man' was a series of events that caused human beings in the spirit to become desirous for themselves and thus become human beings 'in the flesh' which was the 'fall' part. Our selfishness (desire to seek for the self alone) separated us from God and so we then manifested physical bodies in the physical world and still reside in these physical bodies today.