
Monday, May 17, 2010

What is Kundalini Yoga?

By: Siri Datta
What is Kundalini Yoga?
Taken from the book Open your heart with Kundalini Yoga, by Siri Datta

Throughout the ages, in every civilization, there has been a hidden pathway, a secret technology of discovery, which enables the individual to reach the ultimate potential. This is a technique that has the ability to elevate, inspire and awaken the individual to their own greatness. That greatness is within every one of us, and the technology that can do this is Kundalini Yoga.

As an enthusiastic teacher of Kundalini Yoga, I am always asked ‘What is it? Is it like Hatha Yoga, or Ashtanga Yoga? Is it dynamic or static? Are there meditation or breathing techniques?’ My answer is always the same: it is all of those things, and a multitude more.

The Different Styles of Yoga

By: Siri Datta
The Different Types of Yoga

There are many different styles of yoga being taught and practiced today. Although all of the styles are based on the same physical postures (called Asana’s), each has a particular emphasis or path. Here is a quick guide to the most popular types of yoga that can help you decide which style is right for you.

However, I am strongly advising that you try as many different styles, classes and teachers as possible.  It is crucial for your development, that you have a rich and varied experience of Yoga. 

Hatha Yoga

Hatha is a very general term that can encompass many of the physical types of yoga. If a class is described as Hatha style, it is probably going to be slow-paced and gentle and provide a good introduction to the basic yoga postures.  Highly recommended as a standard experience in the basics of yoga. This is a good place to learn basic poses, relaxation techniques, and become comfortable with yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga

Like Hatha, Vinyasa is a general term that is used to describe many different types of classes. Vinyasa, which means breath-synchronized movement, tends to be a more vigorous style based on the performance of a series of postures called Sun Salutations, in which movement is matched to the breath. A Vinyasa class will typically start with a number of Sun Salutations to warm up the body for more intense stretching that's done at the end of class. 

Best Times to Meditate on World Peace

By: Joseph Ante

If you want to change the world by meditating and projecting world peace and love to all during the day there is a best time to do this for your location every day. Research shows that people are 400 percent more psychic when they are in line with the galactic center each day at 14:30 sideral time for your location by longitude. I have calculated this for Indianapolis, Indiana on May 1st, 2010 (longitude 86 degrees 17 minutes west). This makes 5:38 am in the morning the best time to meditate or better 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after this time. Each day the sideral time advances exactly 4 minutes and each week advance this time by 28 minutes to continue to get your 14:30 sideral time to meditate.

Now to use this exact time 5:38 am Indianapolis time on May 1st, 2010 to find your best time for your city you only need to learn your cities longitude. Then for each one degree greater longitude difference than 86 degrees add 4 minutes to this 5:38 am Indianapolis time. And for each degree lesser than 86 degrees longitude substract 4 minutes of time from this 5:38 am Indianapolis time on May 1st, 2010. You must advance this 5:38am time by 4 minutes each day after May 1st, 2010 in Indianapolis. So in one week the correct time in Indianapolis would be 28 minutes additional or 6:06am. So if you are calculating the correct time one week from now the beginning Indianapolis time would be 6:06 am not the previous 5:38 am.

Understanding The Tarot

 The Major Arcana And The Hero's Journey

By: Carolyn Naiman

The Hero's journey is mankind's oldest story. It is a story that transcends all cultures and ideologies. Symbolically, it is our own story as it is an allegory for the individual paths we must journey upon. It is constantly being retold and manifested within each of our own lives. It is the story of the soul; and its ultimate purpose is to remind us why we are here and what we must accomplish.

The Hero's journey shares a common thread. This thread reflects the experiences of our souls. These are the common themes and experiences we instinctively understand. C.G. Jung first explained this phenomenon as the experience of the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious is part of the unconscious mind. This is an inner realm that ties all mankind together into one collective experience. It is inherent knowledge. It is the parts of our selves that have an unspoken understanding of a shared experience.

We can identify our shared experiences through archetypal imagery. These are common images and visual patterns that are repeated throughout time. They are the symbols that have universal meanings and references. Regardless of one's cultural, religious or educational background, archetypal imagery speaks to us all. They are depicted in our myths, fairytales, and iconography. They are everywhere. They are our witches, angels, crones, maidens and warriors. They are within every story told and they are within our own, personal stories.

White Magic Spells

By: James Edwards

In the process of learning all about black magic, spells love, you'll see that they are the most popular type of love spell is cast. In fact, about 85% of spell videos only spells, composed of white magic. Nevertheless, the search for a caster that uses only white magic can be difficult, as some do not classify the magic way. They use any spell work they can to help in different situations.

White magic spells love, as they say, treatment and care, and certainly not to cause harm and create obstacles. When the spell does not harm anyone or anything, it could be considered white magic. Such love spells can help people fall in love with a happy and more intensively.

Rituals of this kind of magic can vary. Spelling rollers have different traditions, personal preferences, origin, and experience with the ship. These rituals can be anything from prayer, hymns, charms, calling spirits, magic candles, crystals and other things,