
Friday, November 28, 2014

The Tale of St. Valentine

February... the month of love. Valentines gifts for boyfriends, girlfriends, hubbies and wives are exchanged. Sweets, cards, flowers, chocolates and other lovely Valentines presents are selling everywhere. Restaurants are filled with couples eager to celebrate their relationship and the joy of their togetherness through tasty cuisine. By and large, there aren't that many Valentines scrooges; most folks are keen on making the most of this day of love.

Time and time again, the name "St. Valentine" crops up during this season of romance. But just who is this mysterious Mr. Valentine? And why on earth is this month linked so strongly with love, Valentines Day presents, cards and so on? Read on and all will become as clear as mud...

St Valentine's Story
Hello, my name is Valentine. I lived in Rome a long, long time ago in the third century. Rome was governed by the mighty ruler, Emperor Claudius. I wasn't very keen on him, and nor was anyone else for that matter.

At that time, Claudius wanted all men to join the army, but many men didn't want to fight in wars. They had wives and families to care for, so as you might expect, hardly

Take Hold Of A Natural Method That Paves For Raising Human Consciousness

Raising consciousness means knowing ourselves better and being free within ourselves. Lightening up leads to enlightenment and is the immediate effect of raising human consciousness. When we raise our level of consciousness we tend to put down the loads of pressures and become lighter. Shifting the level of consciousness is essential and here are few tips for doing that:

Live for yourself each and every moment: We always tend to feel that we must be perfect, good and enlightened in order to enjoy each and every moment. There is one simple thing that helps us stay relaxed and it is pretending as what we want instead of worrying. Comparing with others will only lead to stress and depression. Judging ourselves will also lead to more pressure. Raising human consciousness will lead to lightening up of mind, body and soul.

Make sure that you are concentrating on personal growth as a means of getting what you want: We often tend to feel that personal growth is achieving what we intend to achieve. This is a wrong idea. Peace exists here and now. It is not materialistic possession that brings in peace. We need to consider personal growth in terms of raising human consciousness and not

Break free from the bindings of the subconscious with energy healing

Suffering can be of many types, the main are internal suffering and external suffering. It doesn't actually matter what kind of suffering you are experiencing, in fact at times the internal suffering can be more tormenting than anything in this world. Did you know that subconscious mind is the sole reason and factor behind the majority of actions and thought process that we do?

When the subconscious can be treated everything can be sorted out. Any outward suffering is due to the wrong patterns in the subconscious. Once has to actually get in touch with the internal mind to be able to know all this and rectify it. Spiritual healing or energy healing is the only way that can help you achieve this. Very few healers have the expertise and knowledge to do this efficiently.

You would be amazed to find solutions to problems for which you had thought is no end. We should never forget that no problem or issue is unsolvable. It is just that we should know

Elizabethan Witchcraft: An Era of Persecution

The reign of Elizabeth I, Queen of England during the late 1500s, marked an intellectual era of the Renaissance. Sadly, it also marked an era of intensified persecution of Witches, a persecution supported by the Queen who is said to have been a pious creature - always lending an ear to the clergy and heading their ill-advice. Perhaps she too was concerned about her own safety.

Her mother, Anne Boleyn was accused of being a Witch. Being the daughter of a Witch in those days could very easily be misconstrued by rivals as hereditary, which would undoubtedly result in the loss of the throne and even the loss of life.

Witchcraft practiced during the reign of this Queen is referred to Elizabethan Witchcraft, ironically appearing to offer her the credit for its existence whereas in truth she was partly responsible for its near demise.

As indicated before, the Elizabethan era saw a revival in terms of belief in the supernatural.

Thursday, July 5, 2012